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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! Montana Math Standards - 4th GradeMathScore aligns to the Montana Math Standards for 4th Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Standard 1: Problem Solving and Reasoning1. solve problems from many contexts using a variety of strategies (e.g., estimate, make a table, look for a pattern, and simplify the problem). Explain the methods for solving these problems. (Basic Word Problems , Arithmetic Word Problems , Basic Word Problems 2 , Word Problems With Remainders )2. apply estimation strategies throughout the problem-solving process. (Rounding Numbers , Estimated Addition , Estimated Subtraction ) 3. communicate mathematical ideas in a variety of ways (e.g., written, verbal, concrete, pictorial, graphical, algebraic). 4. recognize and investigate the relevance and usefulness of mathematics through applications, both in and out of school. 5. select and use appropriate technology to enhance mathematical understanding. Appropriate technology may include, but is not limited to, paper and pencil, calculator, and computer. Standard 2: Numbers and Operations1. exhibit connections between the concrete and symbolic representation of a problem or concept. (Counting Squares , Understanding Multiplication , Understanding Division )2. use the number system by counting, grouping and applying place value concepts. (Counting Squares , Place Value to 1000 , Place Value , Skip Counting , Number Comparison , Order Numbers to 1000 ) 3. model, explain, and use basic facts, the operations of addition and subtraction of whole numbers, and mental mathematics. (Fast Addition , Fast Addition Reverse , Fast Subtraction , Basic Word Problems , Mixed Addition and Subtraction , Addition Grouping , Long Addition to 1000 , Long Addition , Long Subtraction , Mental Addition and Subtraction to 100 , Mental Addition and Subtraction , Basic Addition to 1000 , Basic Subtraction to 1000 , Long Subtraction to 1000 ) 4. model and explain multiplication and division of whole numbers. (Beginner Multiplication , Fast Multiplication , Fast Multiplication Reverse , Multiplication Facts Strategies , Fast Division , Understanding Multiplication , Understanding Division , Multiplication By One Digit , Long Multiplication , Long Division By One Digit , Long Division , Division with Remainders , Long Division with Remainders , Word Problems With Remainders ) 5. model and explain part/whole relationships in everyday situations. (Fraction Pictures ) Standard 3: Algebraic Concepts1. use symbols (e.g., boxes or letters) to represent numbers in simple situations. (Basic Word Problems , Arithmetic Word Problems , Basic Word Problems 2 , Algebraic Word Problems )2. explore the use of variables and open sentences to express relationships (e.g., missing addend). (Missing Factor , Missing Term ) 3. use inverse operations and other strategies to solve number sentences. (Missing Factor , Missing Term , Missing Operator , Compare Expressions , Inverse Equations 1 , Inverse Equations 2 ) Standard 4: Geometry1. describe, model, and classify two- and three-dimensional shapes. (Geometric Shapes , Polygon Names )2. investigate and predict results of combining, subdividing, and changing shapes. 3. identify lines of symmetry, congruent and similar shapes, and positional relationships. (Congruent And Similar Triangles ) Standard 5: Measurement1. estimate, measure, and investigate length, capacity, weight, mass, area, volume, time, and temperature. (Telling Time )2. develop the process of measuring and concepts related to units of measurement, including standard units (English and metric) and nonstandard units. 3. apply measurement skills to everyday situations. (Time Intervals , Telling Time ) 4. select and use appropriate tools and techniques. Standard 6: Data Analysis, Probability, and Statistics1. collect, organize, and display data.2. construct, read, and interpret displays of data, including graphs. (Tally and Pictographs , Bar Graphs , Line Graphs ) 3. formulate and solve problems that involve collecting and analyzing data. (Requires outside materials ) 4. demonstrate basic concepts of chance (e.g., equally likely events, simple probabilities). Standard 7: Patterns, Relations, and Functions1. recognize, describe, extend, and create a variety of patterns. (Patterns: Numbers , Patterns: Shapes , Function Tables , Function Tables 2 )2. represent and describe mathematical and real-world relationships. (Algebraic Sentences , Function Tables , Function Tables 2 ) Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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